
Pennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome toPennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice

Current measures in place from 1st April

The Living with COVID-19 plan

On Monday 21st February, the Prime Minister set out the next phase of the government’s COVID-19 response - Living with Covid-19.      

Given that the Government know that the risks of severe illness from COVID-19 in most children and most fully vaccinated adults are very low, and the successful vaccination programme has achieved a high rate of take-up, COVID-19 is now a virus that we learn to live with and the imperative is to reduce any disruption to children and young people’s education.

As COVID-19 becomes endemic, ‘more steady or predictable’, the expectation is that the virus may still circulate and outbreaks may occur, but we will be able to respond to the virus in a similar way to other existing respiratory illnesses, through sustainable public health measures.

From 1st April

Thanks to the success of the vaccination programme and access to antivirals, alongside natural immunity and increased scientific and public understanding about how to manage risk, the population now has much stronger protection against COVID-19 than at any other point in the pandemic and from 1st April, the government expectation is that we transition to managing COVID-19 like other respiratory illnesses.

From 1 April, free testing for the general public ended as part of the Living with Covid plan which in February set out the government’s strategy to live with and manage the virus.

From 1st April, children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can.

Children who do not have a high temperature and are well enough, can attend or return to school.

The government retains the ability to enable a rapid testing response should it be needed, in response to the emergence of a new variant of concern.

We will, as is good practice, continue to ensure good hygiene, cleaning and ventilation in school.

Eligible family members are, as before, also encouraged to get their booster vaccinations, if they have not already done so.

Additional measures that will be put in place if required

In the event of resurgences, new variants with more dangerous properties than Omicron emerging or updated Government guidance being issued, we will of course, as before, be ready to respond quickly, putting in place additional measures as required.

Additional measures could include:

  •     enhanced Covid communications, enhanced hygiene, cleaning (daily cleaning of touch points and shared equipment), the wearing of face masks by adults and staff in communal areas.
  •     parental attendance in school may be temporarily suspended and assemblies could move online.
  •     if advised by the government, everyone may be asked to take part again in regular asymptomatic home testing to support reducing any potential transmission.

The school, as always, will continue to follow advice given by a director of public health or a HPT (Health Protection Team) about any measures that the school needs to take.

Notifications to school

In line with latest guidance, the school’s current expectation in relation to notifications we expect to receive from families in relation to Covid 19 are set out below.


  1. If your child is unwell, please do not send them to school and notify us via the email or by telephoning 01590 672910.
  2. It is now not recommended that children and young people are tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional. If a child or young person however has a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test, if they can. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.
  3. If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please notify us via the email.

Latest government advice and information can be found at

Latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) Risk Assessment and Returning in September 2021
