
Pennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome toPennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome to Foxes Class


We are Year R and share our class with Mrs Davies and Mrs Rayner



In Foxes class we start our day by completing our target cards. These consist of sounds and words we are all individually working on based off of our phonic assessments each half term and updated accordingly. Once we have completed our morning routine of lunch choices and register we do our daily phonic sessions where the children revisit, practice and apply their phonic knowledge. After phonics we do our daily mile around the field, this gives the children the opportunity to get moving and breaks up their learning.


After the daily mile, the children have their snack and milk. This is a great opportunity for the children to communicate with each other and for us to assess their social skills, communication and language skills.


Once the children have finished their snack we have a short writing guided task to complete. This is a combination of whole class writing and small guided group writing. It is also an opportunity for us to share quality texts with the children, giving them the opportunity to talk about and respond to books with their peers and also watching us modelling language and sentence structure.


After this short input the children then have a long period of time to choose their own learning this is the time we call “Let’s Explore Time”. The children are expected to think about what they want to learn, why they want to do this and how it will improve their learning. They then have free exploration of all the areas in the classroom and build up their independence throughout the year using these areas. Whilst the children are exploring during this time the class teacher and teaching assistant in the class use this time to observe and facilitate their learning. The class teacher also runs reading practice sessions during this time. This is where children are grouped based on their phonics assessments and guided through a reading session with the class teacher. These sessions take places three times per week per group. They are made up of a decoding session, a prosody session and a comprehension session. Each of these sessions build on each child’s individual reading stage.


After our morning Let’s Explore session the children have a number session which is called ‘Rekenrek Session’ This refers to the piece of counting equipment called a ‘rekenrek’ The children are guided through a number and counting session using this piece of equipment and building on knowledge they have of number. This is in addition to their maths session in the afternoon later on in the day. The children then go to lunch and play.


In the afternoon, they have a maths session which focusses on all areas of maths across the year and builds the foundations for their maths through the school. These are similar to our writing sessions with a short whole class input and a guided group session. After this the children have another session of Let’s Explore where they can build on their morning learning or start something new. Again the adults facilitate their learning and run reading practice sessions during this time. Each day the children attend a collective reflection in the hall ran by the teaching staff and covering subjects appropriate to that time of the year.


After this, it is time for the children to go home.

Meet the Team PowerPoint

Exploring in Early Years
