
Pennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome toPennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Maths Curriculum Statement

Mathematics is the study of relationships in number, measures, space and data-handling and their application to solving problems in a variety of situations.  It provides children with a way of viewing and making sense of the world in which they live. Building on their own experience, it encourages thinking and reasoning skills, embraces natural curiosity and develops the confidence to tackle problems which arise not only in mathematics but other areas of the curriculum. Mathematics is an integral part of everyday life. We endeavour to ensure that all children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics.


Our intention at Pennington Infant School is for every child to develop a love and intrigue of mathematics. We strive to make maths fun, purposeful and interesting for all children, while promoting mathematical thinking through talk and using mathematical language. We provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem solving elements into the curriculum whilst also focusing on developing pupils’ fluency. The principal focus of our mathematics teaching in is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. Our intention is that pupils build on solid foundations and develop a deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning, before moving on to new content or concepts. They will be given access to a variety of mathematical opportunities, which will enable them to make connections in their learning, develop and use new vocabulary and discuss their learning (mastery). By working across different concrete, pictorial and abstract representations, we aim for our children to be confident mathematicians who are independent, inquisitive and not afraid to take risks (growth mindset).



We implement a curriculum that encourages a mastery approach. Children are encouraged to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills and learning concepts through concrete apparatus, pictorial images and finally abstract representations (numbers and symbols). This is called the CPA approach. The models and images we use are mapped throughout the school from EYFS to Year 2, to ensure progression and a depth of understanding. We work closely with Pennington Junior School to ensure we equip children with good mathematical skills ready for their next stage of learning.


Each teacher will respond to the needs of their own class so some topics may be taught slightly earlier or later. We assess your child before, during and after each chapter of learning to make sure that your child has mastered the concept before we move on. We will aim to help pupils deepen their understanding using questioning and varied presentation and help all pupils to achieve by providing extra support. At times, this will be through additional opportunities to practice, frequency of adult support/guidance (scaffolding) and sometimes through task design and tiered learning - short term changes in learning goals. Further details of this can be found within our Maths policy available on our website and upon request. 



The impact of this policy is that we will not move pupils on too rapidly towards new content or concepts but all children will master learning at their own level regardless of their starting point.  Children will gain a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts of number and place value and have the confidence to reason about and make links within their mathematical learning enabling them to become independent problem solvers.

As a result of our Maths teaching at Pennington Infant School you will see:

  • Engaged children who are all motivated and challenged.
  • Confident children who can all talk about Maths and their learning and the links between Mathematical topics.
  • Lessons that use a variety of resources to support learning.
  • Flexible groupings so that individuals are supported or challenged at a pace that is right for them.
  • Different representations of mathematical concepts, using concrete, pictorial and abstract models.
  • Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress. 
  • Learning journeys that are sequential so that children are given opportunities to revisit and review prior skills before building on previous knowledge.


At Pennington Infant School, children gain a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts of number and place value and have the confidence to reason about and make links within their mathematical learning enabling them to become independent problem solvers.


Maths Curriculum Overview

The maths curriculum planning at Pennington Infant School is something we pride ourselves on.  We believe that maths should build on the learning that has gone on within a lesson, yesterday, last month, last year and beyond. Our step approach allows children opportunity to apply prior knowledge and consolidate new learning. In conjunction with the Hampshire Phase Model and Unit approach to teaching maths, we plan for regular revisit and review tasks that support cognitive load. The team plan for opportunities to use concrete and pictorial models alongside existing mental methods before applying into abstract tasks. Our children make better than expected progress and use stem sentences to confidently explain their understanding of mathematical concepts. We believe the curriculum we provide gives them the best start to their mathematics journey and challenges thinking for all pupils.

Progression of Mathematical Models and Images


As part of the Solent Maths Hub, the team have recently introduced an additional timetabled maths slot to support fluency in number. These sessions use Rekenreks to support children to master the concept of number. A rekenrek is a maths counting frame that has rows of 10 beads. Each row has five red and five white beads that can easily be moved along the rungs. The children use the same script across the school to support their application of number when using the rekenrek. We find this automaticity in equipment use reduces cognitive load and allows children the opportunity to master the new skill.


Further information on the Solent Maths Hub can be found here:


Further information on Rekenreks can be found here:

Children as Mathematicians
