
Pennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome toPennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome to Hedgehogs Class

We are Year 2 and share our class with Miss Gates, Mr Jocelyn and Mrs Ritchie



A typical day in Year 2:

We start our day with a morning job. This could be maths, English or a thinking task. How would you answer these questions?

          1. Would it be a good idea if it was dark day and night?

          2. Would you rather the world was made of glass or metal?

          3. What would it be like if you could only eat chocolate?


9am - 10:10am After morning job, our main lesson is maths. We start with our daily count which helps us practise our timetables.  We love using a range of different concrete resources to help us with our learning.  We use numicon, coins, multilink and much more to help us bring our learning to life.


10:10 - 10:30 To end the first part of the morning, we have some quiet reading time. One week that will be reading quietly to ourselves or 1:1 reading with our own text; these are matched to our phonic ability and tailored to meet our individual needs. The alternate week will be a guided read based on whichever rich text we are looking at in Writing. Miss Gates will set out questions relating to that book which we have to complete using our inference skills.  




10: 45 – 11:05am Straight after break, we have phonics with a focus on application into spelling too. Each week there is a new spelling rule for us to practise. During the year our spellings are:


Autumn 1

Phase 5 GPCs

Autumn 2


Exception Words

Spring 1


Spring 2

Use of -tion

Summer 1

-le and -el

Summer 2


awayfloorcan'tlotionmiddleblew / blue
playpoorwouldn'tfictiontickleknew / new
shoutchilddoesn'tstationangelknight / night
aboutchildrenhasn'tfractiontowelsee / sea
annoyeverybodyI'lleducationlabelflour / flower


11:05 – 12:00pm After phonics we have Writing. Miss Gates gives us high quality, rich texts that we can delve into. Within writing lessons, the children build on their skills based around descriptive writing, writing letter, diary entries and much more. These lessons allow for the children to be creative using different genres of books as well as fiction and non-fiction.


1pm - 2:35pm To start off the afternoon, we work on our handwriting. As a school, we have recently begun to follow the kinetic letters scheme so the children are in the early stages of learning the new commands for each letter. After handwriting we complete our wider curriculum learning. This includes Computing, PE, RE, PSHE, History, Geography, DT, Art, Music and Science. During our afternoon learning, we take part in a range of tasks. As a class, we love to work in small groups and create presentations or puppet shows to explain our understanding of the learning. Sometimes we complete our jobs independently, but our learning value of Together is really important to us as a class.


At 2:40pm every day, we join a member of staff for Collective Reflection. These have a different theme each week and are connected to local, national or global events.


How to help at home:

Reading is always the first thing on our list of things to do at home.

Remember, we also have Google Classroom that contains the home learning for each week and different activities.


Here are some useful websites:

Meet The Team PowerPoint
