Friends of Pennington Infant School (FOPIS) is our PTA. A PTA is an organisation which consists of parents and staff to encourage closer links between home and school, as well as its vital role of fundraising, by nature of the fact that you are a parent at our school you are all members.
You don’t have to be a Mum to join! All parents are welcome to attend meetings and to join the committee. If you don’t feel you have the time to commit fully you could be one of our volunteers. We are in need of parents who would be willing to help out during busy fundraising events, or to offer their time preparing/setting up an event. Any time offered will be much appreciated!
Please make yourself known to the school office if you feel this is something you would like to do, and you will be added to our volunteers list.
The money raised by our fundraising events goes towards extras which are not already provided by school funds.
Sports and Stalls
During our Summer Term, FOPIS held the first annual Sports and Stalls event. Parents enjoyed an afternoon of sporting events, from traditional sports day activities to the teachers race. To end the afternoon fundraising fun was set up across the field. Children had the opportunity to beat the goalie, hook a duck and splat the teaching. It was wonderful to see so many families participating and ending the year with community spirit.
Fundraising events include: Sports and Stalls, Easter Bonnet parade, Coffee Morning, Termly Disco, Ice-Cream sales, Uniform sales.
What is it spent on?
The children!
Money raised from the FOPIS is allocated to improving teaching and learning for the children. This includes: subsidising visitors to the school (for example Bollywood events), reducing the cost of trips, HEART values rewards, new reading schemes and books and additional classroom resources.