
Pennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome toPennington infant schoolA small school with a big HEART


Welcome to Rabbits Class


We are Year 1 and we share our class with Mrs Warland, Mrs Horne and Miss Bowen




A typical day in Year 1

8:40am – 9am We start our day with our morning job. This is a target card that contains number formation, Year 1 vocabulary, handwriting practise and a space for adults to add learning that we need to individually practise. During this time, we will also read with the children which could be their library book or phonics book.

9am – 10am: Our first lesson of the day is maths. The children start with their Rekenrek to support with number fluency in the form of counting and subitising. Once the children have completed this, we move onto our different maths units.  These can either be Number, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions or Geometry.  We learn about time and measures throughout all the units. The children love using concrete objects to help their learning, understanding and to be able to solve different math problems independently and as part of a team. 



10am – 10:30am: The Rabbits class will then move onto our reading session. We complete different activities each day relating to reading and develop language. Each group will read three times a week linking to different objectives from the national curriculum. This build their fluency, expression when reading and comprehension skills.


10:45am – 11:10am After break and snack, we enjoy a phonics sessions. The children use flash cards of sounds, tricky words and different words to support their blending using the Little Wandle scheme. This sessions allows children to build their confidence with word reading and understanding of new words and their meanings. Children will also have an opportunity to work independently to practise spelling different words with the themed sounds of the week.     


11:05am – 12pm: Once phonics is completed, the children will have their writing sessions. This is always context to a high quality, rich text. Within these lessons, the children learn skills based around writing letters, diary entries, stories,  posters, poems and much more with a balance between fiction and non-fiction. This session allows the children to be creative with different types of writing using different genres of books.




12pm – 1pm: The children enjoy their lunch together as a whole school before heading outside for games and fun!


1pm – 2:40pm: In the afternoon, we start with some handwriting using the Kinetic Letters scheme. Each afternoon is for the children’s wider curriculum lessons. This will consist of: History, Geography, Science, DT, RE, PSHE, Art, Music and Computing over the course of each week.


At 2:40pm Rabbits join the rest of the school in the hall for our daily collective reflection.


How to help at home:
Reading is very important – The children are matched to the correct phonics book which is right for them and a Library book that they chose.

We also use Google Classroom where you can access our topic books from home, home learning tasks and activities that children can do in their own time.


Here are some useful websites:

Meet the Team PowerPoint
